A tender and triumphant tribute to a beloved Southern author.
Cassandra King was leading a quiet life as a professor, divorced from a preacher, and a debut novelist when she met Pat Conroy. Their friendship evolved into a tentative long-distance relationship. Pat and Cassandra ultimately married because Pat hated the commute from coastal South Carolina to Cassandra’s native Alabama. It was a union that would last 18 years, until the beloved literary author’s death from pancreatic cancer in 2016 at seventy years old.
I approached this book a little skeptical, but was hooked from page one. It’s a beautiful love story of two mature broken lives that are intertwined to form a relationship that is as strong and real as the majestic South Carolina moss-draped oak trees.
Fans of Pat Conroy will absolutely adore this book. Reading about his personal relationships with family and friends and his sense of humor made me want to read all of his books all over again with this new perspective. TELL ME A STORY is a tender and triumphant tribute to a beloved Southern author.
CASSANDRA KING CONROY wrote from her heart and from her experiences in the Carolina Lowcountry with a man who was larger than life. Her writing was honest and direct and the book was impossible to put down. She shared with us intimate moments of her life with this funny, generous yet, wounded man. I laughed, and cried, and read pages out loud to anyone that would listen to me. In a word, the book is superb!
King Ray, as Pat called her, has written six novels including Moonrise. (2013), Making Waves (2004, The Sunday Wife (2005), and The Same Sweet Girls (2007).
Thanks to Edelweiss and William Morrow for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Publisher William Morrow
Published October 29, 2019
#cassandrakingconroy,#williammorrow, #tellmeastory, #BlueStockingReviews,#edelweiss
