Paris Ever After is a cute and quirky story full of magical thinking.
SUMMARY Amy Brodie jets off to Paris without telling a soul—not even her husband. Originally, it was only going to be for a couple days while her husband was out of town. But it turned into a longer stay than she had planned. She met a group of quirky friends while trying to find her way in the City of Light, who have taken her under their wing. She has been in Paris five months now, her tourist visa has expired, and it’s her 30th birthday and a party with her friends is in the works. On this very same day as her birthday her estranged husband, Will, shows up in Paris. Because she he has no idea whether he wants to reconcile or separate she avoids him for several days. On the day after her birthday, a young woman arrives on Amy‘s doorstep, unleashing chaos among her friends, and leaving Amy homeless. As Amy’s dreams begin to fall apart she doesn’t know which way to turn. Should she attempt to reconcile with Will and return to Phoenix Arizona, or should she continue to forge her way in Paris?
REVIEW Paris Ever After is a cute and quirky story, set in a fabulous city complete with some terrific food references and Amy’s favorite Parisian Madeleine recipe. Amy’s character and her story left me wanting. Her decisions which propelled the narrative were somewhat irrational, and flying off to Paris without telling her husband is only the first! Perhaps, by not reading an earlier Burns book—The Paris Effect—I probably missed something about Amy’s mindset. I would definitely recommend reading The Paris Effect before Paris Ever After. The writing was good, but sometimes it felt like the story was an out of control car careening down a narrow Paris street, bouncing off one wall and then off the other. Sometimes that can be fun but I found there to be far to many coincidences happening to make Amy’s story seem realistic. Thanks to LibraryThing, Velvet Morning Press and K. S. R. Burns for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Published May 1, 2018.